1. The Competition & Consumer Organisation Party Limited (the COCOO), companies House number: 15466919, is the trading subsidiary of (the Charity), Charity Commission number: 1139020

2. The Charity is the owner of, and has full control over the COCOO, including over the approval or removal of Directors. No shares may be issued or transferred without the consent of the Charity

3. The COCOO’s only object is to further the objects of the Charity

4. Both and the COCOO, are bound by a Constitutional Duty to proactively monitor the worldwide fabric of competition, investment and the public interest, in all markets, sectors and industries, in order to:

4.1. Promote synergies, symbiotic relations and externalities that generate economic efficiencies

4.2. Identify the most efficient strategies to:

  • Inspire innovation
  • Promote competitionPrevent potential distortions
  • Remedy actual distortions

4.3. Benefit: consumers, Investors, taxpayers, citizens, private sector, public sector, actual victims & potential victims

5. The COCOO is a proud strategical, independent, ethical, non-partisan, highly influential PRC (Public Relations Consultancy)

6. The COCOO’s toolbox:

  • Alignment of incentives to bring up synergies and symbiotic relationships
  • Combination of legal, economic, econometric, social and political grounds
  • Promotion of support and moving agendas in favour of victims
  • Research & investigations
  • Legal opinions
  • Due-diligence reports
  • Econometric evidence
  • Decision-making information and strategy
  • Enforcement of competition law
  • Influence on competition policy
  • Mediation & settlement 
  • Whistleblower protection
  • Design of M&A Strategies
  • USP design for direct negotiations with procuring authorities

7. The COCOO’s lobbying communications and independence

7.1. The COCOO may decide to lobby as an incidental activity. Lobbying is not its interest or goal, but just another item in its large toolbox. When, and if, the COCOO engages in lobbying communications, it will do so in its own interest, by offering its opinion to all relevant stakeholders

7.2. The COCOO promotes its own interest, the collective interests of its members, and the interests of any affiliate/partner organisations [which may include the private sector, the public sector, competition authorities, legislators, executives and regulators worldwide]

7.3. The COCOO does not accept client payment or instructions. The COCOO may only be a client to itself, in the sole pursuance of its single goal

7.4. Only the COCOO may exercise control on the outcome of any (incidental) lobbying communications. Any lobbying communications may only express the COCOO’s own opinion. Never the opinion of others. To guarantee this safeguard, any contract or funding agreement that the COCOO may enter, must include an express independence clause