The COCOO aids foreign governments, embassies, opposition parties, associations, individuals and international corporations, to deal with diplomatic problems and developments in Brussels and EU Member States’ capitals

The COCOO can assist non-EU nations or institutions raise political awareness and build support before the EU. The COCOO uses advocacy, on bilateral political and economic relations, facilitating strategic plans and high visibility before the EU institutions

The COCOO assists the development of political and corporate strategies, builds of coalitions, achieves global positioning and favourable trade relations

The COCOO can assist investors concerned about the safety of their assets based in a nation where the rule of law or the separation of powers are not respected.  In this case, we could seek the freezing of his assets in his favour, via a national court order. If the assets have a european dimension, we could also seek an order from the ECJ (European Court of Justice). Further, we could vigorously remind the EU of its constitutional duty to uphold the rule of law in this case

The COCOO can assist nations actually or potentially harmed by competition violationos emerging from political turmoil. Examples: 

– Nations retaliating against other nations, by threatening mutual trade agreements as a political weapon. For instance, a non-EU nation’s geopolitical decisions may outrage the EP (European Parliament) or some Member States, and, in retaliation they may demand an end to existing trade agreements with the non-EU nation. In such case, our strategy would combine economic, legal and political narratives to demonstrate the economic importance of such trade agreements to the EU internal market. We would also articulate the legality of the non-EU nation’s geopolitical decisions, through public international law. We would also engage on a targeted media campaign to inform the public that such trade agreements bring political stability to the region in political turmoil. We would also show that trade must follow the rule of law, and would facilitate the signing of a new protocol, to guide the relationship between the EU and the non-EU nation, into a new and more dynamic framework that will stand as a stable platform for long term sustainable trade relations vital to the security of the region, and the economies of both parties

-The EU could be threatening an non-Member State, with the imposition of conditionality clauses.  In such instance, the COCOO could help that nation navigate the political oceans in the EP. The COCOO could embark on a campaign with EU lawmakers to turn the focus on that nation’s economic, technological and geopolitical role, emphasizing the untapped potential for bilateral relations. By providing factual evidence and a clearer understanding over the EU concerns, we would be able to switch the focus towards the bilateral opportunities and towards fostering trade relations via a free trade agreement

-The COCOO can assist non-EU Member nations, institutions or individuals, penalised by the EU with fund-freezing orders, sanctions and fines. This could, for instance, be the result of that nation’s alleged failure to combat corruption and alleged misuse of EU funds. In such instance, the COCOO would engage in sophisticated legal analysis and staff changes in the nation’s government, as well as designing a communications strategy to identify semantic and structural reasons for misunderstandings.  The COCOO’s strategy would be to build awareness of the full scope of the rule of law in Europe today, looking at the procedural fairness surrounding the sanctions. The freezing of funds outside the EU would be be of a persecutive nature, and not wihin EU competence. Sanctions would be attacked , via judicial review, using the three-pronged approach, at the right places, and at the right times:  1/legality; 2/legitimacy, and 3/non-arbitrariness of the EU decision,   so as to reinforce the rule of law, the notion of fairness and the equitable treatment of all individuals

– The COCOO can assist nations that are unjustly listed as a high risk third country, under the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) , the EU’s Anti-money laundering framework, and the USA listings.  In this instance, the COCOO would need to simultaneously lobby the EC, the EP and EU Member States, using a different, tailor-made message for each of the three, so as to engage their differing opinions, into the design of a new methodology for EU listing. We would also focus on  enhancing the visibility and international acknowledgement of that nation’s efforts in modernizing its anti-money laundering regime, and to change the original EU listing methodology draft, so that it is in line with the demands of the nation

The COCOO can assist corporations or individuals, actually or potentially harmed by a nation’s violations to their right to a fair trial. The COCOO would utilize the trade talks or existing trade agreements, between the EU and that nation, to leverage, and to make it incumbent of the nation’s authorities to show, to the EU institutions, their commitment to the rule of law, if it desires to continue to benefit from the ENP (European Neighbouring Policy) and trade talks/agreements